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SAS 2015


SAS 2015 will be held in Zadar, Croatia, April 13-15


View the SAS 2015 Call for Papers

SAS 2015


SAS 2015 will be held in Zadar Croatia, April 13-15









Paper Abstracts

Invited Speakers


Keynote Speaker

Alan Finkel, AM PhD FTSE

Characterisation of currents in nature’s ion-flow nanomachines underpins development of new medicines.

Nature is replete with working molecules, many of which are extraordinary nanomachines.  Of particular interest to neuroscientists and medicinal chemists are the “ion-channels” that mediate the flow of ions across cell membranes into and out of cells.  The sequenced activation of ion channels underpins the electrical signalling within the brain and between the brain and other organs.  The vast quantities of ion channels in each of the tens of billions of active brain cells contribute to the processing power that enables you to be reading this synopsis.

The individual ion-channel currents are tiny, of the order of a picoamp, with activation durations of a fraction of a millisecond.  Thus, to record the flow of currents the measurement system needs to have a bandwidth of ten kilohertz or more.  Extraneous and thermal noise start to overwhelm the signal, but sensitive picoammeters and signal detection software are up to the task.

The currents through the nanoscale proteins are measured using fine tipped microelectrodes and planar electrodes that can measure the current through individual ion channels.  Automated equipments using these electrodes as sensors are used for pharmaceutical drug discovery and safety profiling.  The industry also uses extremely sensitive fluorescence and luminescence systems that will be briefly described.

Speaker Biography

Alan Finkel AM PhD FTSE is Chancellor of Monash University and President of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering.  He is the co-founder and chairman of Cosmos Magazine, the chairman of the Australian Centre of Excellence for All-Sky Astrophysics and the CEO of Stile Education.

For three years until 2012 Alan was involved in the provision of low-emissions electricity to operate electric vehicles.  Previously, for nearly twenty-five years, Alan was the CEO of Axon Instruments, a California-based company that made precision scientific instruments used at pharmaceutical companies and universities for the discovery of new medicines.

Alan is passionate about educating the next generation.  He established the Australian Course in Advanced Neuroscience to provide advanced training to early-career scientists and he leads a secondary school science program named STELR that is currently running in nearly 350 secondary schools around Australia.

Plenary Speaker

Commander Blake McBride

Title: An Overview of ONR Global's Science Support Tools and an update on the renewed Arctic focus.

The Office of Naval Research Global (ONRG) works with scientists around the world to improve scientific understanding through international collaboration.  This presentation will present an overview of the funding programs ONRG uses to foster collaboration around the world.  The presentation will also give a short overview of the U.S. interest in the changing Arctic by covering recent developments, research focus areas and opportunities for future research.

Speaker Biography

Commander Blake McBride was commissioned an Ensign in the United States Navy in 1993 at Officer Candidate School in Newport, Rhode Island. He then served as a forecast duty officer at Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center, in Monterey California. He later qualified and served as a category “A” hydrographer for the Naval Oceanographic Office where he collected data used in the production of nautical charts. In 2002 he reported aboard the USS BONHOMME RICHARD (LHD 6) where he served as ship’s Meteorologist and Legal Officer completing two deployments during operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom. His subsequent tours were as the Executive Officer (XO) of the U.S. National/Naval Ice Center in Suitland, Maryland where he directed the analysis and forecasting of sea ice in both the Arctic and Antarctic; and Director of Staff for the Deployable Joint Task Force at NATO’s Southern Headquarters in Naples, Italy.

His most recent tour was as the Arctic Affairs Officer and acting Deputy Director for the Navy’s Task Force Climate Change on the staff of the Oceanographer of the Navy (OPNAV N2/N6E) in Washington DC. He currently serves as an Associate Director (AD) of research for Meteorology and Arctic Technologies for the Office of Naval Research (ONR) Global in Tokyo, Japan.

His education includes a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics from Stephen F. Austin State University; a Master of Science degree in Meteorology and Physical Oceanography from the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California; a Master of Science degree in Hydrographic Science from the University of Southern Mississippi; and a Master of Arts degree in National Security and Strategic Studies from the U.S. Naval War College. CDR McBride is a Meteorology and Oceanography (METOC) officer, a Joint Qualified Officer (JQO) and a qualified Information Dominance Warfare Officer (IDWO) and Surface Warfare Officer (SWO).

Special Sessions


Special Session proposals are being accepted for SAS 2014.

To submit your paper to a Special Session, please select the Special Session track in EDAS.

*Please note that Special Session papers are reviewed using the same criteria as general track papers and are not guaranteed inclusion in a Special Session.

Current proposed Special Sessions for SAS 2014:







Organizer: Ian Woodhead, Chief Scientist, LINCOLN AGRITECH LTD, New Zealand and Ian Platt, Senior Scientist, LINCOLN AGRITECH LTD, New Zealand

Many sensors have direct relevance to agriculture and the environment, especially given the increased use of technology in agriculture where better and less resource intensive methods are being sought to increase productive efficiency and to lower the impact of agriculture on the environment, e.g. NIR sensing for plant nitrogen requirements. The impact of agricultural practice is in turn monitored by specialist sensors such as turbidity and nitrate sensors for public waterways.

This combined field of Environmental and Agritech is highly relevant to researchers from both developed and developing regions, and sensors have the potential to monitor and hence enable better management of the ongoing tension between the increasing demands for agricultural productivity and reduced environmental impact.

Submissions are welcome on technology and applications for remote or proximal sensors in the spatial (geo) and temporal (time) domains covering, for example:

-Soil and waterway contaminant detection
-Weather and air sensors
-E-nose sensors
-Sensors for soil nutrients
-Water content of soil and agricultural produce
-Animal health sensing
-Plant health sensors
-Sensors for agricultural machinery and robots
-Sensor and sensor data fusion
-Sensor connectivity and networking


Organizers: Eric T. Matson (Purdue University, USA), Dong Han Kim (Kyung Hee University, South Korea), Jinung An (DGIST, South Korea)

Sensors, sensor systems and robots have great potential in first response and emergency domains. The requirements to handle fires, nuclear emergencies, petroleum spills and other emergency scenarios are growing and the technology developed to assess, interpret, analyze and remediate these situations must respond to the need. At the center of any emergency scenario are people who can be put into danger by the very nature of their work. Sensors, systems and robot applications, in this area, can prevent loss of function and life for these people that serve to protect others.

There are many common passive and active sensors and systems and equipment applications used in fire fighting, police, and various area of emergency and first response work. This special session is devoted to new and novel applications of sensors and sensor systems to address the needs in the task domain of emergency and first response workers.

Submissions are welcome on:

- Individual sensors for emergency applications

- Novel models and prototypes of sensors for emergency applications

- Chemical, gas, petroleum-based and nuclear sensors for emergency work

- Sensor systems for emergencies

- First response and emergency robots

- Fire fighting robots

- Other sensors, systems or robot applications in the area of emergency and first response


Organizers: Matthias Vodel (Technische Universitaet Chemnitz, Germany)

Sensor networks and the respective communication concepts represent a promising research area during last decade. New technologies and the miniaturisation of the hardware platforms allow novel and innovative application scenarios. Nowadays, the development focuses on two main challenges.

The first one deals with energy efficiency and accordingly with an efficient operation & communication in a distributed, energy self-sufficient environment. The available energy resources are strongly limited and in consequence, developers are looking for new ways to maximise the runtime. In order to provide an optimised system architecture, the different network layers as well as the application configuration and the environmental behaviour must fit together.

The second challenge deals with huge amounts of data and the respective issues regarding prioritisation and integrity. A lot of application scenarios consist of multiple data monitoring tasks in a distributed measurement environment, including time-critical relations between these tasks. Here, the organisation of the network infrastructure, as well as the data processing capabilities represents key parameters. 

Novel hardware platforms and innovative data processing approaches offer promising possibilities. The research goal is an optimal trade-off between energy efficiency and application-specific computational power.

In this session, we invite original research papers on these subjects.

Submissions are welcome on:

- Application & network-clustering in wireless sensor networks
- Virtual sensor approaches
- Energy-efficiency in wireless sensor networks
- Hardware-acceleration for sensor network scenarios
- Data aggregation and data fusion approaches for time-critical sensor data processing


Organizers: Vedran Bilas (University of Zagreb, Croatia), Mohd Zaid Abdullah (University Sains Malaysia)

Combination of electromagnetic sensors (of one or more modalities) has been successfully applied in areas such as navigation, medical imaging, nondestructive testing, food inspection, agriculture, healthcare, hydrocarbon production, demining, safety and security. Multi sensor nature of the systems introduces new challenges in hardware and algorithms for signal acquisition, processing, integration or cooperation.

The goal of this special session is to bring together researches from various fields to exchange ideas and present novel results in the development, implementation and deployment of the multi-electromagnetic-sensors systems.

Submissions are welcome on:

- Applications of systems of electromagnetic sensors
- Electromagnetic modeling and computation techniques relevant to sensor applications
- Inversion and signal processing algorithms
- Novel electromagnetic sensors and new electromagnetic sensor technologies
- New sensing systems
- Frequency and time domain signal processing
- Multi sensor data fusion
- Sensor networks


Organizers: Serge Demidenko (RMIT International University, Vietnam), Melanie Ooi (Monash University, Malaysia)

Computer vision is a field of research that acquires, processes and analyses video and image data taken from the real world. Machine learning is a field of study that analyses and recognises patterns from a given dataset to perform tasks such as classification, regression and intelligent decision-making. The combination of the two broad fields of computer vision and machine learning widens the application of sensors and robotics. Imagery from sensor inputs are processed through computer vision techniques, while machine learning can be applied to make intelligent decisions based on the data.

This special session is intended to draw researchers from the fields of computer vision and machine learning to present new techniques and solutions for sensor applications. Submissions are welcomed on:

1. Segmentation, Detection and Tracking

2. Image analysis and classification

3. Autonomous vision-based navigation

4. Automatic vision-based inspection systems

5. Behavioural Analysis



2014 Award Recipients

The SAS 2014 Organizing Committee is pleased to announce the following award winners from SAS 2014:

Best Paper Award

1st Place Best Student Paper - A Processing Approach for a Correlating Time-of-Flight Range Sensor Based on a Least Squares Method

Michael Hofbauer (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)

2nd Place Best Student Paper - Predicting Cole-Cole Parameters of Microfluids with Microstrip Technology

Adam Santorelli (McGill University, Canada)

Student Travel Grants

Investigation into the Impact of Protocol Design on Energy Consumption of Low Power Wireless Sensors

Debraj Basu (Massey University, New Zealand)

Microfluidic Injector Simulation with SAW Sensor for 3D Integration

Hang Bui Thu (Vietnam National University, Vietnam)

Power Sensor Applications in a Load Management Network for a Residential Microgrid

Philip Diefenderfer (Bucknell University, USA)

Design and Implementation of Array Readout Integrated Circuit and Image System for Current Mode Sensors

Jai-Hao Li (National Chi Nan University Nantou County, Taiwan)

A New Approach on Advanced Compact Plasma Sensors for Industrial Plasma Applications

Christian Schulz (Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany)


TIM Special Issue


Authors of accepted papers at SAS 2014 have the option to expand their papers and submit them to the Special Issue Section in the IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (TIM).


Special issue manuscript may ONLY be uploaded in the period of May 15-May 30, 2014. Please DO NOT try to submit your papers earlier, since the SAS Special Issue folder in Allentrack will not be available.


1. The paper must be TECHNICALLY extended beyond the scope of the paper that may have appeared in the conference or workshop proceedings (if any), and must be inside the scope of the IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. The fact that the paper has been presented at the symposium does not, by itself, guarantee that the paper is inside the scope of the Transactions!

2. At the time of submission, May 15, 2014-May 30, 2014, the authors must provide detailed information (in a separate file to be uploaded as part of the submission process) regarding how the paper is a technically extended version of the proceedings paper.

3. The proceedings paper MUST be clearly referred to in the text and listed as one of the references in the special-issue paper.

4. A PDF copy of the proceedings paper must be submitted at the time of special-issue paper submission.

5. It is the responsibility of the author(s) to obtain permission to re-use and re-print materials from the proceedings paper and this permission must be obtained ahead of time from its publisher. An acknowledgement and permission statement required by the proceedings paper publisher must be properly incorporated in the Special Issue paper. The author(s) is (are) solely responsible for this and any other copyright permission-related requirements and issues. If the proceedings paper was copyrighted by the IEEE, this permission is not required.

6. When uploading your manuscript click on "Special Issue Manuscript" in the "Manuscript Upload Instructions" page of the Allentrack System.  Then, in page #1 of "Submit Manuscript" you must choose your specific Special Issue.  Subsequently, in the same page and in the "Files to Upload" section you MUST upload two files; one containing a detailed explanation of how the paper is TECHNICALLY extended beyond the scope of the proceedings paper and another which is a PDF copy of the Conference/Workshop Proceedings paper.  To this end, you must put the number "2" in the small box in front of "Extension Beyond Proceedings & Copy of Proceedings" (if any was published) so that the system allows you to upload these two files. Consequently, these two files will be available to the reviewers. Failure to submit a detailed explanation of the TECHNICAL extension and a PDF copy of the Proceedings paper will result in the immediate return of the manuscript to the author(s) as an unacceptable submission.

Conference History


SAS 2013
February 19-21, 2013 | Galveston, Texas

SAS 2012
February 7-9, 2012 | Brescia, Italy

SAS 2011
February 22-24, 2011| San Antonio, Texas

SAS 2010
February 23-25, 2010 | Limerick, Ireland

SAS 2009
February 17-19, 2009 | New Orleans, Louisiana

SAS 2008
February 12-14, 2008 | Atlanta, Georgia

SAS 2007
February 6-8, 2007 |San Diego, California

SAS 2006
February 7-9, 2006 | Houston, Texas



Conference Co-Chairs:
Gourab Sen Gupta, Massey University, New Zealand G.SenGupta@massey.ac.nz

Alessandra Flammini, Università degli Studi di Brescia, Italy

Technical Program Co-Chairs:
Deniz Gurkan, University of Houston, USA

Salvatore Baglio, University of Catania, Italy

SAS Steering Committee:
Salvatore Baglio, University of Catania, Italy
Halit Eren, Curtin University of Technology, Australia
Alessandra Flammini, Università degli Studi di Brescia, Italy
Deniz Gurkan, University of Houston, USA
Shreekanth Mandayam, Rowan University, USA
Gourab Sen Gupta, Massey University, New Zealand

Associate Technical Program Chairs
Vedran Bilas, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Serge Demidenko, RMIT International University Vietnam, Vietnam
Eric Matson, Purdue University, USA
Adam Osseiran, Edith Cowan University, Australia
Ian Woodhead, Lincoln Agritech Ltd., New Zealand

Technical Program Committee

Ahmed Abdelgawad, Central Michigan University, USA
Rini Akmeliawati, International Islamic University, Malaysia
Adnan Al-Anbuky, AUT University, New Zealand
Bruno Andò, University of Catania, Italy
Donald Bailey, Massey University, New Zealand
Jason Bommer, None, USA
Dale Carnegie, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Amitava Chatterjee, Jadavpur University, India
Xin Che, Wayne State University, USA
Shanbao Cheng, FMC Tech, USA
Damiano Crescini, University of Brescia, Italy
John Dennis, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia
Alessandro Depari, University of Brescia, Italy
Robin Dykstra, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Hrvoje Džapo, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Paolo Ferrari, University of Brescia, Italy
Ada Fort, University of Siena, Italy
Gideon Gouws, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Steven Griffin, University of Memphis, USA
Vijay Janyani, Malaviya National Institute of Technology, India
Donghan Kim, Kyung Hee University, Korea
Jürgen Kosel, King Abdullah University of Sceince and Technology, Saudi Arabia
Robert Krchnavek, Rowan University, USA
Anton Kruger, University of Iowa, USA
Ye Chow Kuang, Monash University Malaysia, Malaysia
Kang Lee, NIST, USA
Vincenzo Marletta, University of Catania, Italy
Lifford McLauchlan, Texas A&M University-Kingsville, USA
Byung-Cheol Min, Purdue University, USA
Marco Mugnaini, University of Siena, Italy
Thomas Newe, University of Limerick, Ireland
Melanie P-L. Ooi, Monash University, Malaysia
Fangling Pu, School of Electronic Information, Wuhan University, P.R. China
Emilio Sardini, University of Brescia, Italy
John Schmalzel, NASA Stennis, USA
Mauro Serpelloni, University of Brescia, Italy
Salvatore Sessa, Waseda University, Japan
Akash Singh, IBM, USA
Emiliano Sisinni, University of Brescia, Italy
Tong Sun, City University of London, United Kingdom
Carlo Trigona, University of Catania, Italy
Michele Vadursi, University of Naples "Parthenope", Italy
Pepijn Van de Ven, University of Limerick, Ireland
Darko Vasić, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Valerio Vignoli, University of Siena, Italy
Matthias Vodel, Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany
Graham Wild, RMIT University, Australia
Qiao Xiang, Wayne State University, USA
Wuliang Yin, University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Sergey Yurish, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC), Spain

Track Chairs
Track 1 - Phenomena, Modeling and Evaluation (50)
Srinivas Tadigadapa, Penn State University, USA
Zhihong Li, Peking University, China 
Bernhard Jakoby, Vienna University of Technology, Austria 

Track 2 - Chemical and Gas Sensors (150)
Massood Zandi Atashbar, Western Michigan University, USA
Eduard Llobet, Universitat Rovira I Virgili, Spain
Kourosh Kalantar Zadeh, RMIT University, Australia

Track 3 - Biosensors (120)
Julian Chi Chui Chan, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 
Cristina Davis, UC Davis, USA
Andreu Llobera, CSIC, Spain

Track 4 - Optical Sensors (100)
Francisco J. Arregui, Universidad Publica De Navarra, Spain
Daniel A. May-Arrioja, Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas, Mexico

Track 5 - Mechanical, Magnetic, and Physical Sensors (150)
Seong Ho Kong, Kyungpook National University, South Korea
P. P. Freitas, INESC, Portugal
Siavash Pourkamali, University of Texas, Dallas, USA

Track 6 - Sensor/Actuator Systems (80)
Gijs Krijnen, University of Twente, Netherlands
Oliver Paul, University of Freiburg, Germany
Masayoshi Esashi, Tohoku University, Japan 

Track 7 - Sensor Networks (80)
Jiming Chen, Zhejiang University, China
Aggelos Bletsas, Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece
Jason Gu, University of Ilinois, USA 

Track 8 - Applications (125)
Andrea Cusano, University of Sannio, Italy
Alper Bozkurt, North Carolina State University, USA
Jürgen Kosel, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia

Track 9 - Other Sensor Topics - Materials, Processes, Circuits, Signals & Interfaces, etc. (140)
Michele Penza, Technical Unit for Materials Technologies, Brindisi Research Center, Italy
Amine Bermak, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China 


Conference Management:
Conference Catalysts, LLC
(Lauren Pasquarelli, laurenp@conferencecatalysts.com)



Rydges Lakeland Resort


The Symposium has secured discounted rooms at the Rydges Lakeland Resort.

The discounted rate is NZ$160.00 + GST per room, per night.

To make your reservation, please complete the Direct Booking Form and email the completed form to reservations_queenstown@rydges.com

For more accommodation choices please visit: http://www.queenstownnz.co.nz/information/Accommodation/